Resources & Trainings


TN Voices—Family and Parent Trainings

Emotional Fitness Center—Family Support Groups and Trainings


Relative Caregivers—Relative Supports and Trainings

TN Disability Pathfinder—Family, Parents, Community Trainings and Information

TN Voices Online Resource Library

Access resources by clicking the circle below


System of Care Core Values

  • To be family-driven and youth-guided with the strengths and needs of the child/youth/young adult and family determining the types of services and supports provided.
  • To be community-based with the primary services as well as the system management resting within a supportive, adaptive infrastructure of structures, processes, and relationships at the community level.
  • To be culturally and linguistically competent with agencies, programs, and services that reflect the cultural, racial, ethnic, and linguistic differences of the populations they serve in order to help people access and use the correct services and supports and to remove inequalities in care.
Our Values

TTAC Commitment


The TTAC is committed to providing quality technical assistance in a variety of forms, depending on need, including:

  • Training – provided by a content expert from the TA Network to a group of individuals who would like to increase their knowledge about a specific topic
  • Consultation – provided by a content expert from the TA Network to a group of individuals or organizations/agencies who would like one-on-one, targeted support around a specific need or problem (e.g. implementing trauma-informed care)
  • Resources and Materials –an extensive compilation of behavioral health resources, accessible for free on our website or by request.



To promote system of care values and principles through providing quality resources, training, and consultation to youth and young adults with behavioral health needs, their families, and those who serve them.


To support a statewide system of care in Tennessee.



To foster healthy, resilient, and collaborative communities.